July 2023 – Agricultural Trip

For the week of July 6 to July 13, a large team traveled to Honduras to collect some information and to help farmers understand the importance of soil for maintaining nutrients and for holding and making water available.  The team consisted of 3 agronomy professors from the US and Brazil, 3 people from Cosecha in Tegucigalpa, and 3 interested ACTS and Rotary people from New Hampshire.  10 farmers were visited in their fields and soil samples were collected for analysis.  Water sources were visited, all in the trees.  Farmers explained their methods and asked questions to the visitors. Two meetings were held, and a group of community members planted some forage and green manure seeds in a nursery which will be kept by Ronis Cabrera.  Seeds from this nursery will be saved and distributed in the community.  Everyone delighted in finding veins of water from the considerable aquifer by dowsing.  Methods for saving silage were discussed; soil profiles and water infiltration were demonstrated.  The community has the chance to have an ongoing relationship with Cosecha.  Farmers may use the professional resources offered by those they met when they have questions.

Cosecha is an NGO based in Tegucigalpa which works with very poor farmers in the Dry Corridor of Honduras.   They have decades of experience working with campesinos and Eduardo Thomás Pérez has literally written the book.  Or books. They are very experienced in cultivating pride in working the land and supporting farmers as they work toward a more sustainable future.

Nelson Mejia organized our visits to the fields of 10 farmers; Nelson and Ronis’ fields were part of the 10, but the rest were mostly young farmers who had a lot of curiosity and were trying to innovate and try new things.  The scientists and Nelson felt that 10 would give a decent sample size for characterizing the soils, and visiting the fields of these farmers helped bring them into the project.  All finished the week with new understandings and a renewed sense of cooperation, support  and experimentation.


July 2023 – Colegio Visit


December 2022